June 16, 2009 journal, 134 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds was confiscated in Italy from 2 Japanese tourist. That was pretty heavy luggage to be carrying around the world don't you think. The 2 men were detained and I suspect their suitcase made it to the Vatican. I believe the Japanese purchased the remaining debt of the B*us*h tarp funds to be given away to the same Wall Street banks. Why don't they flatout print the money and be done. The secret report stated that the bonds appeared to be fresh out of the Federal Reserve. Jimmy Carter speaks out against the American backed Israeli brutal cruelty in Gaza. What is money anymore if such high figures are bounced around and no American news reports it. Some say it may be counterfeit from North Korea. The ink was barely dry. The Italian government is taking one-third of it 40 billion as penalty for being undeclared. Sure the 2 Japanese may be actually agents of communist North Korea. I am sure the Federal Reserve would not recognize it as being counterfeit or real because they do not even keep up with what they print or issue any more or they certainly do not report it to the public, the money they put in circulation daily to stabilize the stock market & dollar. The 2 men were on the train crossing the Italian border to Switzerland when they were caught. How would anyone ever cash such a large document. Chances are it is real and not much different than being counterfeit, it just depends on who prints it up to market. Obama says we are going to stay out of Iran's political business for a change. (1953) Alice Waters of San Francisco was shown on CBS 60 Minutes advocating healthy organic garden foods. No more fried chicken. No more fried anything at all. The mayor of San Francisco advocated her garden fresh menu gave her a rally with 80,000 people. By then there may be no newspaper in circulation or television to watch Fox News. Let me live in peace and if I ever do pass on please do not pay to publish my obituary. I do not wish to either sadden my friend's or please mine enemies in this contrary world. I began to smell antifreeze and ask a master mechanic to diagnose my problem. He said it is your heater coil that has sprung a leak from the corrosive antifreeze they use from the factory now in my 14 year old car. No problem $700 to fix because the entire dash has to come out. I asked him for a cheaper way to fix and he said he could bypass the heater. So that is what I will do is to have him disconnect my heater rather than even try $700.00. $700 is about all my car would bring if you run it through the sale. This is what is wrong with the American automobile business if you really want to know. Chemical companies. What they've done to freon is even worse. Turn the public loose on Wall Street to correct the problem of spiraling gasoline prices. Crooks on Wall Street are worse than OPEC. They deliberately built in trouble for their customer to pay for fixing but it has backfired. Even if the 134 billion dollars is counterfeit it should be great concern for U.S. Treasury. Want a laugh out loud read this Bernie Madoff report. "Thou shalt not steal", but the Wall Street version ("thou shall not get caught stealing"). Why did the government and Wall Street let Bernie carry on his scam for so long? For 9 years Harry Markopolos repeatedly told the Securities & Exchange Commission that Bernie Madoff's investment fund was a fraud. He was ignored, however, speculators, investors and especially Jewish investors lost more than $50 billion, Bernie gave some to Israel. This was repeated on CBS 60 Minutes, see full story of how this Boston stock trader competitor figured out Madoffs pongee scheme in 5 minutes. Nobody listened, no government regulator or investor listened but nobody on Wall Street invested with him. They knew it was a scam but said nothing for all those years because he is one of them.